How Much Does it Cost to Repair Stained Glass?

Posted August 6th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Seeing any damage or deterioration can be troublesome for a variety of reasons. When it comes to repairing and restoring stained glass, the number one concern is usually pricing. Property owners looking to repair their stained glass often look for pricing over the phone. It is impossible to give accurate pricing over the phone– an on-site assessment is always needed. Assessments of your stained glass give the artisan the opportunity to diagnose the factors that have caused this damage while creating a custom-tailored repair or restoration plan. Unlike some other services, pricing isn’t straight forward. There are many variables that go into repair and restoration pricing.

Signs that Your Stained Glass Requires Repair or Restoration Services

The first step is knowing when your stained glass needs repair or restoration. If you notice any signs of damage or deterioration, the more proactive you are the more money you can save. Deterioration can show up throughout the glass and lead framing, making it important to be able to identify these symptoms. If you notice any damage throughout the glass including cracks, missing pieces, warped shape, discoloration, etc., your stained glass is probably ready for repair or restoration. If there’s any damage throughout the lead or zinc cames, you’ll notice a soft-to-touch texture, brittle joints, or even a white film that results from lead oxidizing. There may even be discoloration or yellowing of the exterior plexiglass– all these are signs that your stained glass is ready for some love and care.

Repair vs. Restoration

Repairs are typically done on-site and can be completed for mild to moderate damage. In some cases, restoration may be completed on-site as well but this is really determined by a case-to-case basis. Restoration typically requires removing the entire stained glass window and taking it back to a stained glass studio. If your stained glass has a significant amount of damage, restoration off-site is definitely recommended since this process can be quite time-consuming. Temporary windows will be installed in place of your stained glass if it has to be removed.

Stained Glass Restoration Pricing for Dallas Properties

Stained glass restoration pricing is based on numerous factors. The condition, size, and severity of damage are the main factors. While stained glass restoration is often around $200 to $500 per square foot, restoration can restore antique value bringing your stained glass window to $1000 to $2000 per square foot during the appraisal. A restored stained glass window has the potential to bring more value to your overall property, adding both historical and antique value. During the restoration, every component is restored from painted glass pieces to the lead came. This labor-intensive process can take around a month per window.

The Stained Glass Restoration Process

Stained glass windows are typically removed and carefully transported back to our repair studio. We soak your stained glass for up to two weeks in a proprietary bath in order to remove grime and dirt buildup. This also allows us to easily disassemble everything piece by piece. All glass pieces in good condition are cataloged and stored until later. Any damaged pieces are replaced with a perfect match. Our artists will do everything necessary in order to create a perfect color match– from custom glass blowing to layering colors of paint. If your stained glass has any painted elements, we’ll replicate the brush stroke and technique. A new lead came is also created– we use a zinc mixture for optimal strength and set everything with black cement. When the cement has dried, we’ll polish the stained glass and can either install it in a SIG or install an exterior protective glass. Once re-installed, clients are often stunned by the new condition.

Work with Dallas’ Trusted Stained Glass Repair and Restoration Studio

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the trusted stained glass repair and restoration studio in the Dallas area. We’re happy to provide consultations and on-site assessments. For more information regarding stained glass restoration, please contact us!

What Are The Different Types of Stained Glass?

Posted August 5th, 2019 by Martin Faith

In the world of stained glass, not all windows are created the same. In fact, there are an amazing amount of techniques involved in making these lovely pieces of art. Likewise, the techniques used to create the stained glass for your Salt Lake City or church depend largely on the stained glass studio you choose for the work. However, most stained glass studios, like ours here at Scottish Stained Glass, are familiar with multiple techniques. So, if you have a particular piece of stained glass that you just love, be sure to take in photos or provide links to these pieces, to help your artist visualize a final piece with your inspiration in mind. Here at Scottish Stained Glass in Salt Lake City, our 25+ years of experience have given us the ability to create a stained glass window for your home or church in nearly any technique or style. Below are just a few of our favorites for creating the masterpieces we are known for. 

5 Gorgeous Stained Glass Techniques

  1. Bevels Stained Glass: An extremely popular style of stained glass, beveled glass allows in an abundance of rich prismatic natural light. The usually ½” angled border is what allows this magnificent refraction and is created by grinding and polished on the topside edges of clear glass.
  2. Opalescent Stained Glass: Created by Opalescent John Lafarge in 1879 but most notably used and perfected by the Tiffany stained glass studio, this glass is milky in appearance. It involves two colors swirled together and allows for one-of-a-kind creations since no two pieces of glass are the same.
  3. Leaded Stained Glass: One of the most traditional stained glass styles, leaded glass makes up some of the finest stained glass pieces of all time. It is called “leaded’ because each individual piece of glass is separated/connected by a thin line of piped of lead caming.  
  4. Color-Blocked Stained Glass: Color-blocked stained glass is wonderful because of its simplicity. The artist used blocks of color to create lovely patterns typically with bright, attractive hues. These blocked designs have the added ability to be modern or vintage depending on the layout. 
  5. Painted Stained Glass: This type of glass has incredible depth and durability in its coloring because the colors and even shading is painted on to glass pieces and then fired. Once these shaded pieces are put together in a stained glass masterpiece the artist can produce greatly detailed pieces, including human faces, animals, flora and more.

If any of these types of stained glass techniques interest you for your Salt Lake City home or church, contact us at Scottish Stained Glass to review these and more. We would be happy to work with you on a stained glass masterpiece all your own! Plus we do repairs and restorations too!


How Much Is My Stained Glass Window Worth?

Posted August 2nd, 2019 by Martin Faith

Stained glass is such a beautiful medium that offers both beauty and function. It can be found throughout residential, commercial, and religious properties, offering sentimental and historic value. Stained glass can add significant value to your property if properly maintained and in good condition. One of our most frequently asked questions is, “How much is my stained glass window worth?” Answering this question requires experience and training. Value is also based on numerous, different factors.

The Factors that Determine the Value of Your Stained Glass Window

There are many different factors that go into determining the value of your stained glass window. Age, technique, style, condition, and material all need to be analyzed in order to provide an accurate appraisal. The condition of your stained glass is really important for value. Many unrestored or damaged stained glass windows are highly impacted in terms of value. Restoration makes a considerable difference in antique value, making it a worthy investment if you’re planning on keeping your stained glass window. Restoration can drastically improve overall property value as well. Depending on all the other variables, many antique stained glass windows can be valued between $2000 and $100,000. This number can be a lot higher for certain glass manufacturers like Tiffany stained glass– their value usually ranges between $25,000 and $150,000.

Work with the Stained Glass Appraisal Experts

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to provide the most accurate stained glass appraisals. We’re able to provide appraisals over the phone if proper documentation and images are emailed to us. Whether you’re looking to determine if your antique stained glass is worth restoring or you’d like to create a more valuable stained glass investment for your property, we’ve got you covered. Work with our restoration and custom stained glass experts!

For more information regarding stained glass appraisal, please contact us!

How Much Is My Stained Glass Worth?

Posted August 2nd, 2019 by Martin Faith

If you have stained glass on your home or church, it is something you likely cherish because of its impact on your life. Whether it is because you simply love the afternoon light as it passes through or the fact that the stained glass has played a part in the goings-on in home/church–it is probably invaluable to you. However, the reality is, stained glass does have a very real price. Like any piece of art, how much the stained glass in your Fort Worth home or church varies considerably depending on several factors. Below we have listed a few of the most important determiners of how much your stained glass windows may be worth.

The Design Of Your Stained Glass Influences Its Value

To begin, how your stained glass was designed in the first place influences its value. For instance–are cut from a single sheet of colored glass and held in by lead or are they painted/fired with shading? Painted glass can be very valuable and should be looked at by an expert to confirm. The type of lines used also add to value. Very intricate lines and curves are worth more than basic straight lines. The more detailed the piece the more it’s worth. something’s Layers are also something that increases value and the more layers used, the more the glass is ultimately worth.

The Age Of Your Stained Glass Influences Its Value

Like any piece of art from history–very old pieces are generally worth more. Once your glass is over 100 years old it is officially an antique and will begin accruing value faster. However, when it comes to stained glass in your Fort Worth home, remember, stained glass could appraise for about 10x the cost of your original glass. Meaning, if you paid $500 for an entryway window–it could easily add up to $5,000 to your appraisal.

The Condition of Your Stained Glass Influences Its Value

The fact of the matter is–stained glass is only as good as the condition it is in. Even if your stained glass is very old, if it lacks luster and is riddled with cracks–it won’t appraise for very much. However, stained glass is something that can be restored to a nearly new condition. Meaning, it is well worth the time, energy and money of having your church or home stained glass restored to preserve its value.

Who Created Your Stained Glass Influences Its Value

Much like any piece of artwork–the artist often lends value. Here in the United States, there were quite a few remarkable glass studios around the turn of the last century. Glass made by a famous artist or a cutting-edge studio both have value. For instance, Tiffany stained glass windows depending on their size and condition can for $25,000 to $150,000.

For more information on stained glass value or to have us assess your Fort Worth Stained Glass, contact us at Scottish Stained Glass to schedule an appraisal!

Benefits Of Restoring Stained Glass in Colorado Springs Historic Buildings

Posted July 23rd, 2019 by Martin Faith

Colorado is has been a state since 1876 making it well over 100 years old. This means plenty of history and historical buildings for that matter. One element largely popular feature on historic buildings of all sorts is stained glass windows. It was a popular design choice back in the early days of our statehood through present day. If you own a historical building here the Colorado Springs that has stained glass–the glass likely needs some sort of restoration. While removal is an option, there are plenty of good reasons to keep and restore your historical stained glass too.

Value: The Main Benefit Of Restoring Stained Glass

When it comes down to it the main benefit of keeping the stained glass and having it restored rather than removing it is value. But there are different ways in which objects are valuable that we must explore.

Colorado Springs Stained Glass Has Historic Value: The fact of the matter is–many Colorado Historical buildings were built in a very exciting time here in the US. Especially the wild west that was Colorado Springs. The world at that time was changing with new technologies emerging. A such the stained glass made here in Colorado Springs was built in a time of deep historical significance and therefore has some pretty significant historical value. While this won’t necessarily translate to cash, the historical value is simply something you cannot put a price on. It is important for us to restore rather than remove these stained glass windows to help keep part of our rich “westward” culture intact for future generations.

Colorado Springs Historical Stained Glass Has Artistic Value: Just like historical value, artistic value is hard to quantify but very real. Colorado Springs has been a thriving community full of artisans for over a century. Meaning the stained glass on your historical building was likely built by a local artisan. By preserving the stained glass and having it restored rather than remove, you are preserving a valuable piece of art history. One that can never be recreated and has profound artistic significance being of a bygone era.

Colorado Springs Historical Stained Glass Has Monetary Value: Of course, there is always a matter of what your Colorado Springs Historical stained glass is or could be worth. If your windows are very old (over 100 years) they are antiques and worth restoring rather than replacing for that very reason. However, some stained glass windows in the Colorado Springs area could have been made by now famous craftsman–dramatically increasing their value. In which case, they are, of course, well worth restoring them is a must. To know more about the potential monetary value you will have to have them assessed by an expert. However, even if there is no significant monetary value, preserving them for future generations is still a good idea!

For more information on stained glass restoration here in Colorado Springs or to schedule an assessment, contact us at Scottish Stained Glass today!

Benefits of Restoring Stained Glass in Austin’s Historic Buildings

Posted July 17th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Austin has some of the most gorgeous stained glass throughout their historic buildings. Stained glass offers so much value and beauty, often becoming the main attraction for guests. Keeping your stained glass in good condition can really improve your property’s value. Stained glass restoration is required to maintain your this condition, providing another century to your stained glass’ lifespan. Restoring the stained glass in your historic building can provide numerous benefits.

The Advantages of Stained Glass Restoration for Your Austin Historic Building

Stained glass restoration can offer a wide scope of benefits. Restoring antique glass can properly preserve the antique value. Restoration can also add another century to your stained glass’ lifespan. Stained glass restoration can ensure that future generations have the opportunity to enjoy your stained glass as well. Stained glass restoration can be a lengthy process but is typically a great option since it can be cheaper than replacement if completed at the proper time. Restoration is a great option for larger stained glass windows that can easily cost $125,000 to replicate or replace. Available for a fraction of the price, stained glass restoration could be the best financial option for keeping your stained glass intact. Stained glass restoration provides another lifetime of incredible memories.

Work with Austin’s Leading Stained Glass Restoration Experts

Scottish Stained Glass is proud to be the leading stained glass restoration experts serving the Austin area. We’ve provided incredible services for historic buildings across the nation. Work with the best stained glass and painted glass restoration artisans to properly preserve your treasured stained glass. We’re committed to proper conservation and paying respect to the original artist’s intentions. We’re always happy to provide consultations if you’re uncertain if your stained glass is ready for restoration.

Contact us today for more information regarding stained glass restoration for your historic building!

Need Help Restoring Stained Glass in Your Restaurant? Scottish Stained Glass Dallas Can Help!

Posted July 10th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Over the years we have seen, made and restored a lot of different types of stained glass here in Dallas and across the US. You may not realize it but stained glass is for more than just churches. From homes to retail stores we have quite a portfolio under our belt and the countless uses for stained glass never cease to amaze us. One place that is popular for stained glass is actually in restaurants. That’s right, Restaurants, Bars, & Pubs has and continues to be a place where stained and leaded glass is a common place for us to install this lovely art form. Places like front windows, lampshades over tables, on booth dividers and on bar signs are all typical spots for hospitality stained glass. However, an issue with having stained glass in a public place like this is the fact that it will often need repairs and restorations along the way. Some signs you may need us to come out and do a quick repair are pretty clear too.

Signs Your Restaurant Stained Glass Needs Repairs

  1. Dirty or Dull Looking Stained Glass: When you have an establishment that serves food all day, you are likely to get a build-up of airborne grease that sticks to stained glass and then dust that sticks to that. We find that restaurants simple need stained glass cleaning more often. This is something we can do for easily and cost-effectively for your Dallas eatery.
  2. Cracked Stained Glass: One thing we see in restaurants, on pieces that reside in booths, is cracked stained glass This is in large part due to the fact that people are sitting down and standing up in them, constantly adding pressure to the support structure. Although stained glass is very durable, over time, this could lead to small pressure cracks. These are no problem for us here at Scottish Stained Glass in Dallas. We can easily do a drop in repairs or restoration on these small imperfections and the cost is usually minimal.
  3. Broken Stained Glass: When you have an establishment with a flurry of action and tons of people coming through day in and out–accidents happen. Again, stained glass is no less durable than a regular glass window–and even those break occasionally. This type of restoration is probably going to require us to take the affected stained-glass sign, lampshade, booth divider or window out and to repair it. However, once it is restored it will be as good as new and back to making your Dallas establishment look grand!

For more information on stained glass repair for restaurants and pubs here in the Dallas area, contact Scottish Stained Glass. We will get you set up with a free inspection and clear pricing for your restoration job.

Kansas City Church Stained Glass:  To Remove or Replace?

Posted July 10th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Kansas and Missouri are well known for their many churches, many of which were made in the late 19th and early 20th century.   One thing a lot of these churches have in common is many of them need restoration of their stained glass due to damage and wear and tear over time.  In fact, if your Kansas City church was built before 1930, your glass to may need some sort of restoration. The question many church patrons have and you may have too is–which is better restoration or replacement?  That is something only your church body can ultimately answer but we can give you some guidance on the benefits related to keeping your stained glass.

The Key Benefit Of Restoring Stained Glass

We like to say the main reason for keeping stained glass and restoring it rather than removing it boils down to value. However, value can be broken down into three things.  

Restoring Kansas City Church Stained Glass, Rather Than Replacing Keeps Its Value 

  1. Kansas City Church Stained Glass Has Historic Value:  Many Kansas and Missouri churches were built in a changing time here in the US at the turn of the century.  The world was changing as new inventions like the telegraphs, telephones, cars, and planes came into existence,  The stained glass made here in Kansas was simply built in a different time and keenly reflects that era. This means the glass on your 80-100- year old Kansas City church has some pretty significant historical value.  No, it may not be worth its historical value in cash but you simply cannot put a price on preserving a bygone era. Therefore you Kansas City church stained glass is something very valuable and a prime candidate to restore not replace.
  2. Kansas City Church Stained Glass Has Sentimental Value: Just like historical value, sentimental value is real but hard to quantify.  But, there are likely church members who have experienced many of the most important events of their life beneath the stained glass windows of your KC church.  This means the stained glass windows have born witness to baptisms, funerals, and marriages. For the sake of those members and future generations restoring your stained glass windows, is something that benefits the body as a whole.
  3. Kansas City Church Stained Glass Has Monetary Value: Actual monetary value is always something to consider as well.  If your KC church windows are very old (over 100 years) they are antiques and well worth restoring rather than replacing.  However, some stained glass windows in the Kansas City area could have been created by famous artisans or studios. In these rare cases, restoring them is essential. To know the exact monetary value of your church’s stained glass windows you will have to have them assessed by a professional.  However, even if there is no significant monetary value, the aforementioned values are often reasons to have your church stained glass restored in lieu of replaced.

For more information on stained glass restoration here in Kansas City or to schedule an assessment, contact us at Kansas City Stained Glass today!

Getting Started with Stained Glass Restoration in Houston Historic Buildings

Posted July 8th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Stained glass can have such a powerful presence among historic buildings. The beauty and sentiment created by this medium can really offer so much value for your Houston property. When it comes to restoring your stained glass, it can be tough pinpointing when to start. Did you know that stained glass usually requires restoration around 75 years to 100 years? With proper restoration, your stained glass may even remain in good condition for another 200 years. In order to decide when to get started with stained glass restoration, it is important to know the signs.

The Signs that Your Houston Stained Glass Is Ready for Restoration

Determining if your stained glass is ready for restoration is crucial so that you don’t miss your opportunity. The longer you wait, the bigger the chance that you’ll need a replacement instead. Here are some of the telltale signs that are stained glass needs restoration:

  • Glass concerns: Glass that’s cracked, broken, missing, discolored, or warped
  • Lead issues: If the lead is softened, disintegrating, oxidizing and producing a white film, has brittle joints, etc.
  • Plexiglass: Plexiglass can trap heat creating a yellowing effect that damages your stained glass and accelerates deterioration
  • Mishapen form: If your stained glass appears concave or convex, this is a sign that gravity is taking over.

Work with Houston’s Trusted Stained Glass Restoration Experts

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the stained glass restoration experts in Houston. We’re well experienced with restoring stained glass of from any period and are happy to provide our leading expertise. Work with the nation’s best restoration artists and make sure the antique value of your stained glass isn’t compromised. Our stained glass restoration experts are here to provide all the support you need.

For more information regarding stained glass restoration for your Houston property, please contact us!

How To Get Started with Stained Glass Restoration Projects in Fort Worth

Posted July 8th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Do you have a home here in the Fort Worth area that has stained glass that you think may be deteriorating and needs to restored? Chances are if it was built in the early to the mid-twentieth century than you do.   

  1. Some signs your stained glass needs repair include:
  2. Dirty or dingy looking glass
  3. Chipped or cracked glass
  4. A saggy appearance to the window
  5. Bent or broken lead pieces
  6. Visible light through gaps in the panels

If these sound or look familiar, it means a restoration for your Fort Worth home’s stained glass is needed.  But, what happens next? Well, happily the hard part of home stained glass restoration is done by us, the restoration experts.  For you, the next few steps are typically an easy affair and starts with few to-dos on your part before you hire a stained glass professional. 

Steps To Begin A Home Stained Glass Restoration

Step 1:  Come up with a loose budget

Of course, it is hard to know exactly how much you will spend on a stained glass restoration for your home.  But it is a good idea to get a number in mind about how much you would like or are able to spend. Realize you may need to be flexible on this to succeed.  Remember, a stained glass window adds a lot of resale value and/or could be a valuable antique. So while you may spend a bit more on the front-end–the value it adds to your home often makes it well worth it.  

Step 2:  Do your research

When it comes to restoring your Fort Worth homes stained glass– doing your research is a sure fire way to succeed.  So, you should not only try to find out as much about the origins of your vintage pieces but also a lot on who will fix it.  Hiring an experienced professional is the best thing you can do to make sure your stained glass window has a long life moving forward.  Websites like the Better Business Bureau, Angie’s List, and Yelp are all full of info and contractor information.

Step 3:  Get bids from more than one contractor

It is always a good idea to shop for contractors when you get any home improvement done, much less stained glass restoration.   Here in Fort Worth, there are a number of studios and companies. But remember, cheaper is rarely best. As a premium priced restoration expert,  we know and would be happy to explain how much more we offer in terms of value. In the long run, we offer our clients a better product and a guaranteed century more of stained glass life

For more information on stained glass restoration for your Fort Worth home or to have us come out and get you started on an assessment and bid, contact us today!


How to Get Started with Stained Glass Restoration Projects in Dallas

Posted July 8th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Antique stained glass can start to deteriorate around the 75-year to 100-year mark, showcasing significant signs of damage. In order to keep your treasured stained glass in good, lasting condition, restoration is required. A proper restoration can extend your stained glass’ lifespan for another century. This process can address all complications or damages that your stained glass has endured. If you’re interested in the restoration process, you may be wondering how exactly you get started. Here are the beginning steps you should take for your next stained glass restoration project.

The Stained Glass Restoration Process for Dallas Properties

Whether you have historic stained glass windows in your church or antique stained glass panels in your business, we’ve got you covered. The restoration process starts with assessing if your stained glass is ready for repairs vs. restoration vs. replacement. The best way to determine this is to find an experienced stained glass contractor to conduct an on-site assessment. If any stained glass studio offers a quote over the phone or states that they don’t need to conduct an on-site assessment, this is a major red flag. Proper restoration requires a detailed plan and based off of your property. When looking for the right stained glass studio, you should also ask for two to three recommendations and a portfolio of past work of similar size.

Work with Dallas’ Preferred Stained Glass Restoration Studio

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the preferred stained glass restoration studio serving the Dallas area. We’ve worked with numerous churches, historic buildings, businesses, and residences in their efforts to restore their stained glass windows. Work with the nation’s leading painted glass restoration experts to make sure the antique value of your stained glass is properly preserved.

For more information regarding the stained glass restoration process, please contact us!

Need Help Restoring Stained Glass in Your Restaurant? Scottish Stained Glass Fort Collins Can Help!

Posted July 2nd, 2019 by Martin Faith

The culinary scene is incredible in Fort Collins. This college town has some of the most diverse, amazing restaurants. These restaurants are so different, varying in cuisine and architecture. Some of the restaurants here feature beautiful stained glass windows that draw in a lot of their customers. Stained glass is popularly used to improve the dining experience, providing privacy for patrons, and heighten property value. Regardless of how your restaurant is using stained glass, it is important to know that it must be restored periodically in order to maintain its condition.

The Advantages of Stained Glass Restoration for Fort Collins Restaurants

Stained glass restoration is an all-inclusive process that addresses all the components of your existing windows or panels. Restoration is recommended around every 75 to 100 years. In order to keep your investments looking fresh and captivating, restoration can add another century to your stained glass’ lifespan. If you’re uncertain if your stained glass is ready for repairs, restoration, or replacement, we’re happy to take a look. Scheduling an assessment can help determine what the current condition and value of your stained glass are. Restoration offers incredible benefits like preserving antique value, adding strength and durability, and much more. Restoring stained glass can offer a more affordable solution in certain cases, but it is important to proactively time this.

Work with Fort Collins’ Premier Stained Glass Restoration Studio

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the premier stained glass restoration studio in the Fort Collins area. We’ve helped restaurants, commercial properties across various industries, residences, and houses of worship with their restoration needs. We’re trained to restore pieces from any time period and are passionate about proper stained glass restoration. We always provide free on-site consultations.

For more information regarding stained glass restoration for your Fort Collins’ restaurant, please contact us!

From Broken to Beautiful: How Scottish Stained Glass Kansas City Can Help Restore Church Stained Glass

Posted July 2nd, 2019 by Martin Faith

Stained glass has played a significant role amongst churches for centuries. Originally utilized to convey the teachings of the Bible for the illiterate, stained glass often showcases important scenes and messages. Many churches in Kansas City continue this tradition of using stained glass to portray figures and messages that are important to their congregations. When your stained glass sustains damages or begins to deteriorate due to age, restoration is an incredible process that can return these pieces of art back to their original condition.

The Advantages of Stained Glass Restoration for Kansas City Churches

Restoration is available for those looking to keep their existing stained glass windows. Restoration is typically a more cost-effective option than replacement but must be properly timed. If you wait too long to restore your stained glass, there’s a good chance that more damage can create higher costs that make replacement a cheaper option. Whether your religious stained glass has age-related damage or has sustained severe damages from storms, vandalism, etc., restoration is an option. Our comprehensive restoration process offers another century to your stained glass’ lifespan. By addressing all damaged glass, creating new lead came and joints, cleaning glass panels, and other proprietary steps, we’re able to bring your stained glass back to its original condition. We always prioritize proper preservation and paying homage to the original artist’s intention.

Work with Kansas City’s Trusted Stained Glass Restoration Studio

Scottish Stained Glass is proud to be the trusted stained glass restoration studio serving Kansas City. We’re honored to have worked with numerous churches from all across the nation. Our renowned restoration process has successfully restored countless stained glass windows. Work with the best restoration artists to ensure your piece is properly restored and respected.

For more information regarding stained glass restoration for your Kansas City church, please contact us!

How Stained Glass Can Beautify Your Loveland Home

Posted July 1st, 2019 by Martin Faith

Loveland has some of the most gorgeous residential areas. The homes throughout Little Dam and Campion all have that high-end, custom build look that so many homeowners desire. Even if your home isn’t custom construction, there are simple ways that achieve that aesthetic without breaking the bank. Custom stained glass is a wonderful way to beautify your home without significant renovations or high costs. Adding a beautiful custom piece to your home’s entryway or bathroom can transform your existing space.

The Benefits of Custom Stained Glass for Your Loveland Home

Homes throughout City Center and Redmond can create that master bath retreat by adding a stunning custom stained glass design. Custom stained glass offers high versatility and can complement any existing decor. Leaded glass is especially popular in Kelim, offering a contemporary look that fits in with the modern aesthetic. The great thing about leaded glass is that it blocks unwanted views without sacrificing natural light, making it perfect for bathrooms. Custom stained glass is also perfect for entryways, providing that grand entry feel that’s bright and welcoming. Obstruct unwanted views from the street while adding that custom look to the front of your home and enhancing your curb appeal. Homes around Aspen Drive and Antero Drive can increase their property value while making their property really stand out.

Work with Loveland’s Trusted Stained Glass Studio

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the trusted stained glass studio serving the Loveland area. We’ve worked with numerous homeowners to achieve their dream home goals and create that lush, custom feel without the high price tag. Work with incredible stained glass artisans that are happy to sit down with you to hand sketch your ideas to fruition.

For more information regarding custom stained glass design for your Loveland home, please contact us!

Walking Through Residential Stained Glass Restoration from Start to Finish in Fort Collins

Posted June 27th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Fort Collins has some of the most beautiful historic homes in Northern Colorado, just take a cruise down Mountain Avenue and you’ll see many of them. Some of these iconic properties come with unique stained glass features and homeowners want to maintain these windows so that they look their best for years to come. With our simple 6-step process, Scottish Stained Glass can help you restore these pieces.

Fort Collins Stained Glass Restoration for Residential Properties

  1. Removal: The first step requires that we safely remove the existing stained glass from the frame. Once removed, we take it to our studio to put it through the restoration process. While the stained glass is in our care, we leave a temporary piece of glass in its place.
  2. Cleaning: To remove the grit and grime that build up over the years, we soak the glass for up to 2 weeks in a solution in our studio. The cleaning solution is gentle and won’t damage the glass. 
  3. Disassembly: After taking detailed photos, we take the stained glass apart piece by piece and number each of them. This will help us recreate this puzzle later in the process.
  4. Glass Replacement: We try to keep as much of the original glass as we can but if any pieces are chipped or cracked, we replace them with brand new glass that we keep in-house. 
  5. Reassembly: After every piece is cleaned and the necessary parts are replaced, we use the pictures we took in the third step to recreate the puzzle of the stained glass design.
  6. Reinstallation: Once the window is seamlessly reassembled, we reinstall the stained glass into your home. We also install a clear pane of glass over it to protect the design from the elements and other damaging forces.

Most homeowners want to restore and maintain their stained glass features but don’t know where to start. Our team of professionals can help make sure this process is done the right way. If you’re looking to restore historic or sentimental stained glass in your Fort Collins home, contact us today!

How to Get Started with Stained Glass Restoration in Colorado Springs

Posted June 27th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Realizing your stained glass needs restoration is pretty clear-cut. In fact, the window tells you almost everything you need to know.

  1. There is cracked glass on your stained glass window
  2. There are chips in the leading or glass of your stained glass window
  3. There is bowing and sagging on your stained glass window
  4. Your window looks dirty and lacks luster
  5. There is visible light coming through gaps on the stained glass window
  6. Your stained glass window appears concave

While these tell-tale signs that your stained glass needs repair are clear–what to do next may not be. Happily, what comes next is not so difficult.

The First Steps Of Stained Glass Restoration

1 Find An Experienced Stained Glass Professional: As it were, stained glass professionals here in Colorado Springs do not come a dime a dozen. Since stained glass is a very old art form, the number of artisans is dwindling. That being said, the ones who still actively pursue stained glass restoration as a business are often very passionate about it. Like us, at Scottish Stained Glass in Colorado Springs. Preserving stained glass art and windows for the next generation is something we do well and love to do. Likewise, we have nearly 3 decades of experience doing it!

2. Decide On A Budget And Scope For Your Stained Glass Project: Once you begin vetting stained glass professionals for the job, you will likely begin getting a lot of bids. Depending on the state of your stained glass windows you will have bids that are high and low. What you do next is a decision only you can make. But remember, the lowest bid does not always mean the highest quality. Cutting corners on stained glass repairs will almost always show in the final quality and/or the durability of your restored stained glass. At Scottish, our restored stained glass is guaranteed to last another 80-100 years before needing repairs.

3. Prepare Your Colorado Springs Home For Contractors: Just like any home improvement project, stained glass restoration is something that will involve contractors in and around your home. The good news is, often times, with stained glass restoration, the windows are restored in our studio. However, even if the restoration is done on site, it won’t typically involve a lot of workers in and out. Like any job in which a contractor will be in your home, you will want to clear the area around the project and gate off pets and children from the area too.

Scottish Stained Glass For Colorado Springs Stained Glass Restoration

Just like that, you are ready for the stained glass restoration on your Colorado Springs home to begin! For more info or to talk with us about your unique stained glass project, contact us at Scottish Stained Glass today!

Proudly Introducing Our Painted Glass Artist and Stained Glass Conservation Specialist

Posted June 25th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to introduce our painted glass artist and stained glass conservation specialist, Maria Sheets. Her comprehensive training and educational background include a Masters in the Humanities from the University of Texas, Dallas and a Professional Associates degree from the American Institute for Conservation. Maria has trained with industry-leading conservation and glass experts through her ten years at various stained glass apprenticeships. With extensive experience as both owner and chief conservator of an art conservation firm that’s served museums, galleries, and private collections throughout the nation, Maria brings a wealth of knowledge and specialty technique to the Scottish team. Her incredible art skills range from kiln-fired glass pigment to fine art oil painting.

The Importance of Conservation and the Ethical Approach to Stained Glass Restoration

Maria’s passion for conservation was sparked when she worked with an art museum who had sustained significant damage with an accidental fire. When working through the stained glass restoration at the museum, Maria realized that she could paint the damaged painted glass better. After this revelation, Maria committed to glass painting classes and pursued her Professional Associates degree from the American Institute for Conservation. She holds a high standard for proper conservation and taking the ethical approach when restoring stained glass and other mediums of art. By prioritizing these standards, Maria is able to truly honor the original artist and their intentions.

The Painted Glass Process for Commissioned Art

Her comprehensive painting background and specialized painted glass technique have created incredible, one-of-a-kind art for many of our clients nationwide. Maria begins to custom painted glass process with a lot of research. She also utilizes live models in order to truly capture proper form and composition. These models are often clad in costume wardrobe in order to really seize life-like fabric flow and shadowing.

One of her favorite painted glass projects is the Santa Marta Saints. This Scottish project was completed for a private chapel in Olathe, Kansas that commissioned three custom stained glass windows with handpainted St. John Paul II, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and St. John XXIII. The design process took approximately six to eight weeks through constant communication between Maria and the Santa Marta community. Each religious painted glass project requires comprehensive research of similar paintings through history as well as a background in iconography. Her hand-sketched initial designs had to also be approved by the clergy. Maria uses Photoshop and extensive references in order to incorporate every single detail in her intended painted glass design.

Painted glass incorporates numerous layers in order to define depth and shadowing– the glass has to be carefully transferred to the kiln to bake after each completed layer. These details were imperative to Maria since the three saints are contemporary figures that people recognize and have seen. This was probably the greatest challenge for her but Maria was humbled by the great honor to be given this responsibility. Once the three painted glass masterpieces were completed, it took our nationwide team a total of eight months to complete and install this project. Maria appreciates the team setting and all they were able to accomplish together.

Restoration Challenges and Concerns

As a conservation specialist, Maria believes that authenticity is the biggest concern in her field. It can be difficult to truly authenticate a piece of art. Another challenging aspect is ensuring the ethical approach is taken. Often times when a piece of art or glass is restored, there will be parts left blank. Especially in the context of writing and quotes, it is crucial to have prior images in order to attempt to replicate. Expert opinions are needed in order to avoid ethical implications and taking the guesswork out of proper conservation. If critical components are missing and there aren’t original photos available, these sections are left blank but will honor the original aesthetic and ensure structural integrity.

The Most Enjoyable Part of Stained Glass Restoration

It can be a very tedious process when it comes to matching colors for restoring painted glass. When Maria is finally able to match a color dead-on, this is the most enjoyable part of the process for her. Honoring the artistic intent of the creator is the most joyous part of conservation. When it all comes together after the lead came has been structured around all glass components, Maria is always delighted with the final product and how stunning it is when all painted pieces are joined together. The colors pop and the cohesive efforts of the Scottish team are displayed when the stained glass is re-installed after restoration.

Work with the Nation’s Industry-Leading Stained Glass Restoration Team

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the nation’s industry-leading stained glass restoration team. We’re humbled to have talented members that specialize in conservation, helping aid our mission and passion for properly preserving stained glass. Working together has created an outstanding learning process for all of us on our continued journey to restoring historical and sentimental pieces of art throughout our community. We look forward to experiencing more incredible talent from our renowned team and can’t wait to see what all we can accomplish together.

Whether you’re looking to restore your church’s antique stained glass windows or you’d like to commission your own custom painted glass, we’ve got you covered. Work with our painted glass and custom stained glass specialists to achieve lifelong, impactful pieces of art. Contact us today for your free consultation!

Antique Residential Colorado Springs Glass Restoration

Posted June 23rd, 2019 by Martin Faith

Have you noticed that your home’s stained glass windows are looking a little sad? Signs of deterioration can include warped appearance, missing glass, cracked glass, broken glass, softened lead, disintegrating lead, white film on the glass, and much more. If your home’s stained glass windows are displaying one or more of these telltale signs, it’s a strong indicator that your stained glass requires restoration. In order to ensure future generations can enjoy your treasured, antique stained glass, it is crucial to find a proper restoration studio.

The Stained Glass Restoration Process for Colorado Springs Homes

If you believe your antique stained glass is ready for restoration or would like a second opinion, we’re here to help. Our in-home assessment provides all the information you’ll need regarding restoration. This includes an appraisal of your stained glass, cost-benefit analysis, underlying causes of deterioration and damage, project timeline, and project estimate. Once you decide to proceed with your residential restoration project, our team will remove your stained glass from your home and transport it back to our studio. We’ll soak your antique stained glass in a proprietary bath to remove any of the build-up from the past century. We’ll restore all damaged glass pieces and craft a new lead came for your stained glass. If your window has painted glass, we’ll have our artists replicate it. Once fully restored, we set it with black cement, polish it, and have it re-installed.

Work with Colorado Springs’ Stained Glass Restoration Specialists

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the stained glass restoration specialists serving the Colorado Springs area. We’ve completed numerous residential, commercial, and religious stained glass restorations for pieces from all time periods. Work with the nation’s restoration leaders for your beloved stained glass.

For more information regarding stained glass restoration, please contact us!

What’s Special About the SSG Construction Process for San Antonio Homes

Posted June 23rd, 2019 by Martin Faith

When it comes to investing in stained glass, finding a custom studio can really heighten the value of the product and your property. Custom stained glass has numerous benefits that can enhance your curb appeal while bringing your vision to life. San Antonio homes and businesses looking for the highest quality stained glass can appreciate our process for implementing your very own design. Our proprietary process has proved successful with the creation of over 80,000 windows since 1993.

Our Custom Stained Glass Process for Your San Antonio Home

We start the custom stained glass process with one of our stained glass artisans visiting you in your home or business. This free consultation helps us better understand the intended space while learning more about what you’re looking for design wise. Our stained glass artisan will sit down and hand sketch the design with you before created a CAD rendering. We’ll keep improving the design until you are 100% satisfied with it. We typically send the design between eight and ten times before clients are happy and choose a finalized design. Once we have your full approval, we begin the manufacturing process in our studio. We do everything in our power to make sure you love every element, color, texture, etc. We provide the installation and can address reinforcement glass, window film, or energy efficient windows if those are upgrades you’re interested in.

Work with the Nation’s Custom Stained Glass Leader

Scottish Stained Glass has remained the industry leader in custom stained glass for decades, providing one-of-a-kind designs that range from traditional to modern. Work with our stained glass artisans and CAD designers to perfectly bring your ideas to fruition. Custom stained glass is an investment of a lifetime and can bring both functionality and beauty to your property.

For more information regarding custom stained glass, please contact us!

Antique Residential Salt Lake City Stained Glass Restoration

Posted June 16th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Salt Lake City is home to some of the most gorgeous stained glass. These stained glass windows can be found throughout churches, schools, businesses, and even homes. For homeowners who possess an incredible historic, antique stained glass feature in their residential property, it is in your best interest to preserve it. Antique stained glass value can drastically improve your home’s equity while providing one-of-a-kind beauty. Antique stained glass restoration is a crucial process that’s required if you’d like to preserve your residential stained glass.

The Residential Antique Stained Glass Restoration Process for Your Salt Lake City Home

When you start noticing signs of deterioration or damage, it is pertinent to find a restoration studio for your stained glass. Don’t wait until replacement is the cheaper option– restoration needs to be completed in a timely manner in order to avoid high costs and permanent damage. The restoration process should begin with an in-home assessment of your stained glass. This assessment will provide an appraisal, report on the underlying causes of damage, project timeline, and estimate. Once you decide to restore your stained glass, we carefully remove it from your home and transport it back to our studio for comprehensive repair and restoration. This process can take up to a month for one window, but we guarantee to bring your stained glass back to its original condition and to add another century to its lifespan.

Work with Salt Lake City’s Trusted Stained Glass Restoration Studio

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the trusted stained glass studio for restoring residential antique stained glass. Work with our stained glass artisans to properly restore your beloved stained glass and preserve the antique value for your home. We’re here to provide all the resources you need.

For more information regarding the stained glass restoration process, please contact us!

What We Look For In Our Stained Glass Inspections

Posted June 13th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Stained Glass Inspections In Kansas City

When a church here in Kansas City calls us to talk about their stained glass, they almost always have an issue already at hand.  It could be their stained glass is dull and lifeless or they have a small missing piece of glass that they would like replaced. It is almost always the case that we will want to come to inspect the stained glass ourselves to see what the problem is and what other problems there might be.  This is because when stained glass windows begin to deteriorate, it is almost always a cascade effect. Meaning, one issue is almost always tied to another and the issues progressively get worse. This allows us to not only tell you what is happening with your stained glass windows but what is likely to happen next.  Below are few things we will look for during an inspection, some innocuous, some indicative of a larger issue.

Stained Glass Inspections Points

Dull or Dirty Stained Glass:  Most stained glass windows in the KC area and across the US are in need of a good cleaning.  You will be shocked when you see your glass with life and lust when it was new. We can clean the glass in place of as part of a full restoration

Broken Stained Glass:  Stain glass, like regular glass breaks from accidents and even bad weather.  This type of damage is normal and not usually cause for concern unless linked to a bigger issue like lead degradation or sagging frames.

Gaps In Stained Glass: This is usually a sign that the structure of your stained glass is starting to fail and the lead is probably the culprit. Most of the time this is one of the first signs that restoration is needed or will be needed soon.

Cracks In Stained Glass: Cracks in stained glass come with the weight shifting over time, an object hitting the glass or the framing beginning to give way.  The issue with cracks is–they only get worse over time as the glass pieces rub against one another. Meaning it is time to start thinking restoration.

Bowing or Sagging Of Glass:  This is a fairly telltale sign that you need a full church stained glass restoration because it means the structural elements of the window are failing under the weight of the glass.  The window will fail sooner rather than later in this case and needs to be reinforced.

Missing or cracked leading:  Over time leads stretches and/or cracks.  We are at a point now where the lead on stained glass made 80 years ago is no longer secure.  If you are having lead caming issues, it is time to get your stained glass restored. The good news is, the new lead formula we use for stained glass restoration will last another 200 years before needing to be replaced.

Don’t’ wait to have your church stained glass inspected so you can formulate a plan for possible future restoration.  Contact Scottish Stained Glass today to schedule a visit from us.

How Long to Wait Before Beginning Stained Glass Restoration Process in Salt Lake City

Posted June 13th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Stained Glass Restoration In Salt Lake City

Having the stained glass on your Salt Lake City church repaired is not something most congregations look forward to doing, primarily because of the expense.  However, it is something that, once finished, every congregation we have dealt with has been overwhelmingly pleased they did. Beyond the new look of their restored stained glass windows, is the fact that they know their hard work, giving of time and money and efforts mean these amazing works of art will last another 5 generations. So, how long should your church wait before getting your church’s stained glass restored?  Well, if your glass is over 80 years old, the answer is not very long.

Minor Repairs To  Broken Salt Lake City Church Stained Glass

Small repairs like chipped glass or cleanings are not pressing but actually an easy fix if done sooner rather than later. We can tell you if we need to do small repairs with simple drop-in work– which entails cutting the came flange around the broken piece of glass at the solder joints then folding it back together. We can also inspect your window at that time to see if you need a larger restoration.

Repairing Cracks In Salt Lake City Church Stained Glass

For very badly cracked stained glass–the time for restoration is close at hand and replacing these pieces is really your only choice.  In these cases, we usually will remove and restore the window and the glass. We can do spot fixes on some smaller cracks but it is important to note: cracks in stained glass will enlarge over time as the edges grind against one another.  Also, cracks are usually a symptom of structural damage–which means you window may no longer be stable.

Repairing Structural Damage To Stained Glass

If you have a failing structure on the stained glass of your Salt Lake City church, it is not only time to have it restored–but past time.  This is because the structural supports like leading, frames and steel beams are critical to the window not collapsing. You simply cannot wait if you see bowing, sagging or prolific leading loss.  It is best to call a professional like us at Scottish and come up with a fundraising plan of attack to get those windows secured asap.

For more information on a restoration for the stained glass windows in your Salt Lake City church, synagogue or mosque, contact Scottish Stained Glass to schedule an inspection today!

Signs It’s Time To Restore Your Fort Worth Stained Glass

Posted June 12th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Stained Glass Restoration In Fort Worth

The truth is a stained glass is durable to a point.  As you may have noticed a lot of stained glass in the world is very old–proof that when stained glass is properly cared for it will last a very long time. However, most of the world’s stained glass is on churches and therefore has likely had constant tending from clergy and.or protective glazing.  Your Fort Worth home’s stained glass has likely not had the same treatment and therefore has been subjected to a constant onslaught of harmful aging factors: UV light from sunlight, extreme weather conditions, indoor and outdoor man-made pollution, and biological damage caused by pests.  This results in the panels becoming deeply encrusted with thick layers of dirt Therefore, at the very least, your stained glass window needs cleaning. But it could need a deeper restoration depending on a few easy to spot tell-tale signs of its conditions.

Signs It Is Time For More Than A Stained Glass Cleaning

While dirt and grime build-up is, by far, the most common service we perform on home stained glass here at Scottish Stained Glass, a fair amount of home stained glass needs more thorough restoration.  This is true, especially with very old windows (which tend to also be very valuable) or very large windows.

Sagging Or Bowing Of The Stained Glass Window

When there is a perceived bow on a stained glass window, it  means one or more of the following is happening

  • The lead caming is stretched
  • The attachment to the support structures is failing
  • The framing materials are in need of repair

In all these cases the window needs to be removed, re-leaded and the frame possibly rebuilt.

Visible Light Through Gaps In The Stained Glass Window

Gaps in the glass panels is another symptom of the leading being stretched or an issue with the support system.  Since we know the glass did not shrink or change size, the logical place for an issue is with wood or lead which over time move, stretch and need to be replaced.

Missing Or Broken Leading

Lead is the main part of stained glass windows that fail throughout the year.  The formula for leading today is a little different so, the lead on stained glass windows from this century could last 200 years.  However, lead from the 20th century will only last about 80 years before needing to be replaced.

All of these issues are ones we handle here at Scottish Stained Glass.  We would be happy to come to your Fort Worth home and inspect your stained glass windows for the things above and a few others to see if it is time to restore them.  Contact us today for more information on home stained glass restoration in Fort Worth.

Is The Glass In Your Dallas Home Antique?

Posted June 11th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Antique Stained Glass On Dallas Homes

We get a lot of questions about antique stained glass here at Scottish. And we couldn’t be happier! The more people know and understand about the beginnings and nature of their stained glass windows, the more likely they are to keep it in good repair. Since stained glass is an irreplaceable treasure to society–that is a great thing. While it is difficult for us to give you all the information you need to determine whether your Dallas home’s stained glass is antique and/or valuable, below we have listed a few of the things we look for in to determine it’s age and value.

The Style Of Your Dallas Stained Glass Helps Determine If It May Be Antique

Stained glass, as it were, went through some pretty specific stylistic changes in its time here in The Americas. So, the style of your Dallas home’s stained glass window (if it is original) is a pretty good indicator. From Victorian style in the late 1800s to the Prairie Style of the early 1900s the look of your glass is a great clue to its origin

The Context Of Your Dallas Stained Glass Helps Determine If It May Be Antique

Just like the artistic style of your glass is a good way to figure out when it was built, so too is the style and age of your home. If, for instance, you live in a late 1920s bungalow, the stained glass in your home, if original, is likely the same age. It would make sense then that this stained glass is Craftsman style, Green and Green Style or Art Noveau and is probably an antique

Small Inscriptions And Signatures Could Help Determine If It May Be Antique

While not all stained glass in homes here in Dallas come with any sort of marks or signatures on or around the glass–many do. In fact, you may not have noticed them or looked for them before. However, many studios and artists in older times affixed signature plates to their work. It would be in the lower right-hand corner. Not only will this give you clues as to who made it but, its age and value as well!

The best way to know more about the stained glass in your Dallas home that you have come to love is to have a professional, like us here at Scottish Stained Glass, come do an inspection. We can help you figure out more about your glass’s rich history and how to keep something so full of Americana value looking good and intact for future generations. Contact us today for more information.

How Old Is The Stained Glass On Your San Antonio Home?

Posted June 11th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Dating Antique Stained Glass On San Antonio Homes

Texas is a young state but not too young to have a slew of antique stained glass windows on homes here. The fact of the matter is, this state was really coming into its own at the end of the 19th century and was thriving in the early 20th century. With so much money and population pouring into Texas in the early 1900s, it is no wonder there are so many antique stained glass windows in homes here. We get questions about the age of stained glass all the time. We love answering these questions because it means the homeowner is usually taking the first step toward preserving a piece of American history that is their stained glass windows. How exactly do you tell how old your stained glass is? Below are a few easy ways to begin to figure out when ti was made. We, at Scottish, can help you further figure it out by doing a thorough inspection of things like the structure and glass materials that may not be as obvious to the untrained eye. So, Start with the guide below and then give us a call for more info!

The Style Of Your Scottish Stained Glass Helps Determine Its Age

Stained glass went through some pretty specific eras here in the US, so the style of your San Antonio home’s stained glass window is a fairly good indicator of when it was made. If it is over 100 years of age it is an antique–so knowing the age is key to preservation. Something from the Victorian style is likely well over 100 years old while if it is in the Prairie Style of the early 1900s it is likely right around 100. If it looks Craftsmen style it is probably closer to 85-90 years old. However, even if your stained glass is not technically an antique–Tiffany stained glass or Frank Lloyd Wright Stained Glass could still be very valuable.

The Context Of Your Scottish Stained Glass Helps Determine Its Age

Just like the style of your stained glass is a great way to determine age, so too is the style and age of your San Antonio home. For instance, if you live in a bungalow, the stained glass in your home (if original) is likely the same age. This means if your home was built before 1919 it is antique. As mentioned above, any of the following styles would likely put your stained glass age at about 85+ years: Victorian Style, Prairie Style or Craftsman style.

Small Inscriptions And Signatures Could Help Determine The Age Of Your Stained Glass

While not all stained glass in homes here in San Antonio have marks or signatures at all–some do. Sure, you may not have noticed them because they are often small but many studios and artists in vintage times affixed signature plates to their work or signed them. These inscriptions not only tell you which stained glass studio made them (which would be a clue to their age) but also, a date very well could be inscribed there too. Take a look in the lower right-hand corner of your stained glass window where these inscriptions usually live.

For a detailed assessment of your San Antonio home’s stained glass age, value and state of repair contact us at Scottish Stained Glass in San Antonio to schedule an assessment.

Antique Residential Fort Worth Stained Glass Restoration

Posted June 10th, 2019 by Martin Faith

When it comes to repairing and restoring your home’s antique stained glass, choosing the right stained glass studio can make all the difference in the outcome. Finding an experienced, accredited stained glass restoration studio is significant in order to maintain the antique value while providing another century or more for the stained glass’ lifespan. Antique stained glass can become such a meaningful part of any home, providing irreplaceable art, functionality, and curb appeal.

How to Find the Right Stained Glass Restoration Contractor for Fort Worth Homes

When you begin noticing signs of deterioration among your antique stained glass, it is important to begin looking for the right stained glass restoration contractor. Being proactive in this circumstance can save you considerably while ensuring no permanent damage is done. When you reach out to potential stained glass studios, requesting certain pieces of information can help you make the right choice. Ask for credentials, portfolio on restoration jobs similar in size to yours, as well as restoration references. The right company should be able to produce all the following information. The next step is the on-site assessment. Any stained glass studio that tries to offer a quote over the phone should be passed. An in-home assessment is required to create a restoration plan in order to provide accurate pricing and timeline.

Work with Fort Worth’s Trusted Residential Antique Stained Glass Restoration Studio

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the trusted residential antique stained glass restoration studio serving the Fort Worth area. With decades of experience in stained glass restoration, we understand all the different time periods and how that may affect your restoration needs. We’ve restored numerous stained glass windows from all different industries, churches, and homes, delivering an effective process.

For more information regarding residential antique stained glass restoration, please contact us!

What’s Special About the SSG Construction Process for Kansas City Homes

Posted June 9th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Custom stained glass can really enhance your home, providing the beauty and functionality any homeowner desires. Choosing the right stained glass studio to commission for your custom stained glass can make all the difference in the outcome. It is important to find an experienced custom stained glass contractor so that your new investment adds significant value to your property and can withstand the Kansas City environmental factors. Our custom stained glass process is the result of decades of experience and a passion for our industry.

The Custom Stained Glass Process for Your Kansas City Home

The custom stained glass process begins with an in-home consultation. From this consultation, we’re able to better define your needs and understand your design ideas. Work directly with one of our stained glass artisans to hand sketch your ideas so that we can bring your creation to life. We’ll keep working on your design, sending it back and forth for approval, until you are 100% satisfied with it. By utilizing CAD software and Photoshop, we’re able to provide accurate coloring and proportions. Once we’ve completed your design and have your approval, we handcraft your stained glass in our studio. With our proprietary stained glass process, we’ve optimized structural integrity and found the best methods for making your stained glass last.

Work with Kansas City’s Premier Custom Stained Glass Studio

Experience the Scottish difference and work the premier custom stained glass studio serving the Kansas City area. We’ve successfully manufactured over 80,000 custom stained glass windows for homes, businesses, and churches across the nation. With decades of experience and a true dedication to the stained glass industry, we’re honored to provide our unique process for ensuring longevity and beauty.

For more information regarding our proprietary custom stained glass design process for your Kansas City home, please contact us!

Walking Through Residential Stained Glass Restoration from Start to Finish in Houston

Posted June 9th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Houston is known for its gorgeous stained glass windows featured throughout its many churches and houses of worship. Did you know that there are actually numerous antique stained glass windows that are found throughout residential properties as well? When it comes to properly preserving your home’s historic stained glass, it is crucial to understand the process in order to find the right stained glass restoration studio. The residential stained glass restoration process can be lengthy but can offer at least another century of pristine condition to your stained glass’ lifespan.

The Residential Stained Glass Restoration Process for Houston Homes

We begin the residential stained restoration process with an in-home consultation to provides a cost-benefit analysis, an appraisal, project estimate, and timeline estimate. Once you decide to start the restoration, we carefully remove the stained glass from your home and replace it with a temporary window. We’ll transport your stained glass back to our local studio where it’ll sit in a proprietary soap bath in order to remove all the debris that has built up over the years. This soak also enables us to remove each component easily in order to restore the damaged pieces. New painted glass is replicated and new lead came is also created for optimal structural integrity. We finish the process by setting the window with black cement then polishing it for re-installation. The process can take around one month for one stained glass window.

Work with Houston’s Residential Stained Glass Restoration Leader

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the industry leader in stained glass restoration serving the Houston area. We guarantee that we’ll bring your stained glass back to its original condition, providing longevity and beauty for your home.

For more information regarding the residential stained glass restoration process for your Houston home, please contact us!

Antique Residential Fort Collins Stained Glass Restoration

Posted June 4th, 2019 by Martin Faith

Some of the historic homes in Fort Collins have incredible stained glass features that add significant antique value to their properties. These antique stained glass windows can add both beauty and function throughout, often becoming a family heirloom treasured by future generations. Residential stained glass typically requires restoration around the 75-year to 100-year mark in order to properly preserve its beauty and structural integrity for another century or two before another restoration is needed.

The Antique Residential Stained Glass Restoration Assessment for Fort Collins Homes

Antique residential stained glass can become a significant part of anyone’s home, offering sentimental value in addition to antique value. When you start to see signs of deterioration, it is important to start the restoration process in order to save money. If you wait too long, the restoration may cost more than replacing the stained glass which is always an unfortunate loss. The process begins with an on-site assessment completed by a professional stained glass restoration studio. This assessment will detail the underlying causes of damage in addition to a cost-benefit analysis, appraisal of your stained glass, project timeline, and project estimate. This assessment provides all the critical details you in as well as providing a better understanding of your antique stained glass. The only way to receive a proper project estimate is through an on-site assessment– if a stained glass studio says they can give you a quote without an in-person inspection, choose a different studio.

Work with Fort Collins’ Number One Stained Glass Restoration Experts

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the number one stained glass restoration experts serving the Fort Collins area. As the industry experts in our field, we’ve worked on countless residential, commercial, and religious restorations from all over the nation.

For more information regarding stained glass restoration, please contact us!

How to Get Started with Stained Glass Restoration in Austin

Posted June 3rd, 2019 by Martin Faith

Austin properties have some of the most beautiful, intriguing architectural details. Stained glass offers so much character, charm, and historic value for residential, commercial, and religious properties throughout the city, serving as focal points and main attractions. Stained glass restoration is the only way to preserve these features so that future generations can appreciate them as well. Regardless of where your antique stained glass is housed, restoration can provide another hundred years of beauty and function. Stained glass restoration can preserve property value while addressing deterioration concerns.

The Stained Glass Restoration Process for Austin Properties

If you notice any damage or deterioration to your antique stained glass, it is important to find a stained glass restoration studio immediately in order to prevent permanent damage and high costs from occurring. Signs of deterioration can include missing glass, cracked glass, softened lead, disintegrating lead, white film on the glass, convex shape, and much more. The restoration process begins with an on-site assessment of your stained glass. Once you determine that you’re ready for restoration, we remove your window and replace it with a temporary one. When your stained glass reaches our studio, it’ll soak in a proprietary solution for up to two weeks. This removes dirt build-up and allows us to remove it piece by piece. We restore each damaged glass piece, create new lead came, and set it with black cement which is polished before re-installation.

Work with Austin’s Leading Source for Stained Glass Restoration

Scottish Stained Glass is honored to be the leading source for stained glass restoration in the Austin area. We’ve helped countless churches, homes, and businesses with their restoration projects, providing another century for these treasured pieces. Work with the restoration experts to properly maintain value.

For more information regarding stained glass restoration in Austin, please contact us!

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